Civil Engineering 5th Semester Subject Name & MSBTE Syllabus Download

Civil Engineering 5th Semester Subject Name & MSBTE Syllabus Download
Civil Engineering 5th Semester Subject Name & MSBTE Syllabus Download
[Diploma 5th Sem Civil Engineering subjects for 5th semester of MSBTE Civil engineering]

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In Today's Article, you will get MSBTE 3rd Year 5th Semester All Subjects Name with All MSBTE Subject Syllabus PDF. As You have been admitted to MSBTE Diploma Course you must know MSBTE Curriculum MSBTE 5th Semester Names to get well settled with subject conditions.

22501 [WRE] Water Resource Engineering Chapters/Unit Name, Weightage Marks

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Sr.No. Chapters/Unit Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Introduction to Irrigation and Hydrology]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1) Irrigation and its Classification on the basis of purpose and surface.
2) Hydrology : Definition and Hydrological cycle, 3)Rain Gauge : Symons rain gauge, automatic rain gauge,
4)Methods of calculating average rainfall: Arithmetic mean, Isohyetal, and Theissen polygon method.
5)Runoff, Factors affecting Run off, Computation of run -off.
6)Maximum Flood Discharge measurement : Rational method and empirical methods. Simple numerical problems.
7)Yield and Dependable yield of a catchment, determination of denendable vield.
14 Marks
Unit 2 [Water Requirement of Crops & reservoir Planning]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Crop Water requirement: Cropping seasons, Crop period, base period, Duty, Delta, CCA, GCA, intensity of irrigation, factors affecting duty, Problems on water requirement and capacity of canal.
2. Methods of application of irrigation water and its assessment.
3. Surveys for irrigation project, data collection for irrigation project.
4. Area capacity curve.
5. Silting of reservoir: Rate of silting, factors affecting silting and control measures.
6. Control levels in reservoir.
7. Simple numerical problems on Fixing Control levels.
16 Marks
Unit 3 [Dams And Spillways]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1)Dam and its classification: Earthen dams and Gravity dams (masonry and concrete)
2)Earthen Dams -Components with function, typical cross section, seepage through embankment and foundation and its control.
3)Methods of construction of earthen dam, types of failure of earthen dam and preventive measures.
4)Gravity Dams -Forces acting on dam, Theoretical and practical profile, typical cross section, drainage gallery, joints in gravity dam, concept of high dam and low dam.
5)Spillways-Definition, function, location and components.
6)Emergency and service spillway -ogee spillway and bar type spillway, discharge over spillway. Energy dissipation, Spillway with and without gates.
7)Gates- Radial and Vertical.
12 Marks
Unit 4 [Minor and Micro Irrigation]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1)Bandhara irrigation : Layout, components, construction and working, solid and open Bandhara
2)Percolation Tanks – Need, selection
3)Lift irrigation scheme-Components and their functions, lay out.
4)Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation- Need, components, Layout, operation and Maintenance.
5)Farm ponds, Jalayukt shivar schemes.
6)Well irrigation: types of wells, yield of well, advantages and disadvantages of well irrigation.
10 Marks
Unit 5 [Diversion Head Works]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Weirs - components parts, types. K.T. weir - components and construction
2. Diversion head works- layout, Components and their function.
3. Barrages - components and their functions. Difference between weir and Barrage.
08 Mark
Unit 6 [Distribution of Theory Marks]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1)Canals – Classification according to alignment and position in the canal network, Cross section of canal in embankment and cutting, partial embankment and cutting, balancing depth. Design of most economical canal section.
2)Canal lining – Purpose, material used and its properties, advantages.
3)CD works- Aqueduct, siphon aqueduct, super passage, level crossing.
4)Canal regulators- Head regulator, Cross regulator, Escape, Falls and Outlets.
5)Canal maintenance.
10 Mark

22502 [DSR] Design of Steel and Rcc Structures Chapters/Units Name, Marks

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Sr.No. Chapters/Units Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Fundamental of steel structures]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1)Steel as construction material. Steel structures: Towers, Roof trusses, Water Tanks, Bridges, Gantry and Crane girders, Columns, Chimney, building frames etc.
2)Types, grades and strength of steel sections, Steel Table, IS 808-1989. Stress Strain graph for mild steel.
3)Loads acting on steel structures according to IS 875-1987 part I to IV.
4)Limit State Method of design: Meaning and types of limit states, loads, design criteria, limit states of strength, limit states of serviceability.
5)Factors of safety and load factors as per IS 800:2007
06 Marks
Unit 2 [Design of Steel Connections]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Type, uses of bolts and joints: Black bolts/ and High strength bolts, modes of failure
2. Specifications of bolt holes for bolted connections.
3. Strength of bolt in shear, tension, bearing and efficiency of joint.
4. Analysis and design of bolted joints for axially loaded plate, single and double angle members
5. Welded connections: Butt and Fillet welds, size of weld, throat thickness
6. Analysis and design of fillet welded joint for plate, single and double angle members subjected to axial load.
14 Marks
Unit 3 [Analysis and Design of Singly Reinforced Sections]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1) RCC: functions of reinforcement, material properties, types of limit states, partial safety factors for material strength, characteristic strengths, characteristic load, ‘ design load as per IS 456:2000
2}Types of loads and combinations as per 1S:875:2OO2
3)Limit State of collapse (flexure) : assumptions, steel, strain diagram and stress-strain relationship for concrete and block diagram for singly reinforced section, design parameters and constants, ultimate moment of resistance
4)Under- reinforced, over-reinforced and balanced sections.
5)IS specifications regarding spacing, cover, minimum reinforcement, effective span in beams
6)Analysis and design: determination of design constants, ultimate moment of resistance, ultimate load carrying capacity, design of rectangular sections.
12 Marks
Unit 4 [Design of Shear reinforcement and Bond]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1) Shear: Meaning of shear in beams and slabs. IS code specifications. Various forms of shear reinforcement .Use of bend up bars. Zones of minimum shear reinforcement. Numerical problems on design of shear reinforcement in beam.
2) Bond: Meaning of bond as per IS code provisions. Meaning and calculation of development length in tension and compression.
10 Marks
Unit 5 [Design of Slabs]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Slabs, support conditions, I.S. specifications regarding main steel, distribution steel, spacing and cover for reinforcement, effective span, minimum reinforcement.
2. Limit state of serviceability for slabs for deflection criteria only.
3. Design of one way and cantilever slab including development length check only.
4. Design of two-way slab with four edges discontinuous and provision of torsion reinforcement at corners (As per IS 456:2000, table no 26 case no 9 only) Check for deflection only.
10 Marks
Unit 6 [Design of axially loaded short Columns and footing]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Limit state of collapse in compression, assumptions, effective length, slenderness ratio, short and long columns, and minimum eccentricity.
2. IS specifications for reinforcement in column.
Load analysis for a column : load on an axially loaded column from beams at a different floor levels in a building
3. Design of axially loaded short square and rectangular column.
4. Various RC footings : Isolated and Sloped footings, combined footings, piles
5. IS specifications for reinforcement in footing
6. Design of isolated square sloped footing: Flexural design with checks for one-way shear, two-way shear and bond.
(Problems on design of footing for bending moment only in theory examination paper)
14 Marks

22503 [EAC] Estimating and Costing Chapters/Units Name , Weightage

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Sr.No. Chapters/Units Name Marks
Unit 1 [Fundamentals of estimating and costing]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Estimating and Costing – Meaning, purpose, Administrative Approval, Technical Sanction and Budget provision.
2. Types of estimates – Approximate estimate and detailed estimate.
3. Detailed Estimate- of New work.
4. Types and Uses of Estimates: Revised estimate, supplementary estimate, revised and supplementary estimate, repair and maintenance estimate, renovation Estimate.
5. Roles and responsibility of Estimator.
6. Checklist of items of work in load bearing and framed structure as per Execution.
7. Modes of measurement and Desired accuracy in measurements of different items of work as per IS:1200
8. Rules for deduction in Masonry work , Plastering and Pointing and Painting work as per IS: 1200.
9. Description / specification of items of building work as per PWD /DSR.
10. Standard formats of Measurement sheet, Abstract sheet, Face sheet.

12 Marks
Unit 2 [Approximate Estimates]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Approximate estimate- Definition, Purpose.
2. Methods of approximate estimate -Service unit method, Plinth area rate method, Cubical content method, Typical bay method, Approximate quantity method.
3. Approximate estimate for roads, Railways, bridges/culvert, irrigation projects and water supply projects. 4. Numericals on service unit method and Plinth area rate method.
06 Marks
Unit 3 [Detailed Estimate]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Detailed Estimate- Definition and Purpose, Data required for detailed estimate, Procedure of preparation of detailed estimate- Taking out quantities and Abstracting.
2. Methods of Detailed Estimate- Unit quantity method and total quantity method.
3. Long wall and Short wal method (out to out and in to in method or PWD method), Centre line method.
4. Bar bending schedule.
5. Steel requirement for footing, column, beam, Lintel, chajja and slab.
6. Provisions in detailed estimate: contingencies, work charged establishment, centage charges, water supply and sanitary Charges and electrification charges.
7. Prime cost, Provisional sum, provisional Quantities, Bill of quantities, Spot items or Site items, Day work.
28 Marks
Unit 4 [Rate Analysis]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Rate Analysis : Definition, purpose, importance and factors affecting.
2. Lead ( Standard and Extra), lift, overhead charges, water charges and contractors profit,
3. Procedure of rate analysis.
4. Task work- Definition, factors Affecting, types. Task work of different skilled labour for different items.
5. Categories of labours, their daily wages, types and number of labours for different items of work
6. Load carrying capacity of different types of vehicles, transportation of materials and their hire -charges.
7. Preparing rate analysis of different items of work- PCC,RCC work in (column, beam, lintel, slab), brick masonry, stone masonry, Vitrified tile flooring, plastering,, Wood work for doors.
12 Marks
Unit 5 [Estimate for Civil]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Earthwork - Quantities for roads, Buds and canals by- Mid sectional area method, mean sectional area method, Prismoidal formula method and trapezoidal formula method.
2. Detailed estimate for septic tank, Community well.
3. Use of computer I softwares / programmes for detailed estimate Preparation of Civil Engineering Works works.
(Questions on application of software from sub unit 5(3) above shall not be asked in theory exam.)
12 Marks

22504 [PHE] Public Health Engineering Chapters/Units Name, Weightage

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Sr.No. Chapters/Units Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Sources, Quantity and Quality of water]
Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Sources of water: Surface and Subsurface sources of water, Intake Structures, Definition and types. Factors governing the location of an intake structure, Types of intakes.
2. Quantity of water: Need to protect water supplies, flow diagram of water supply scheme, function of units, Demands of water,
Factors affecting rate of demand, Variations of water demands, Forecasting of population, Methods of forecasting of population,
(Simple problems on forecasting of population), Design period, Estimating of quantity of water supply required for city or town.
3. Quality of water: Need for analysis of water, Characteristics of water- Physical, Chemical
and Biological, Testing of water for Total solids, hardness, chlorides, dissolved Oxygen, pH, Fluoride, Nitrogen and its compounds, Bacteriological tests, E coli, B coli index, MPN, Sampling of water, Water quality standards as per I.S. 10500
12 Marks
Unit 2 [Purification of Water]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Purification of Water: Screening-Types of screens, Aeration- objects and methods of aeration, Plain sedimentation, Sedimentation with coagulation, principles of coagulation, types of coagulants, Jar Test, process of coagulation, types of sedimentation tanks,
2. Clariflocculator, Filtration-theory of filtration, classification of filters: slow sand filter, rapid sand filter, pressure filter, construction and working of slow sand filter and rapid sand filter. Disinfection: Objects, methods of disinfection, Chlorination- Application of chlorine, forms of chlorination, types of chlorination practices, residual chlorine and its importance orthotolidine test, Flow diagram of water treatment plants.
3. Miscellaneous water Treatments: Water softening, Defluoridation techniques.
4. Advanced Water Treatments: Electrolysis, Reverse Osmosis.
18 Marks
Unit 3 [Conveyance and Distribution of waterr]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Conveyance: Types of Pipes used for conveyance of water, choice of pipe material. Types of joints & Types of valves- their use, location and function on a pipeline.
2. Distribution of water: Methods of distribution of water- Gravity pumping and combined system, Service reservoirs - functions and types,
Layouts of distribution of water-Dead end system, grid iron system, circular system, radial system; their suitability, advantages and disadvantages.
10 Marks
Unit 4 [Domestic sewage and System of Sewerages]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Building Sanitation: Necessity of sanitation, Necessity to treat domestic sewage, Definitions – Sewage, sullage, types of sewage, Definitions of the terms related to Building Sanitation- Water pipe, Rain water pipe, Soil pipe, Sullage pipe, Vent pipe, Building
Sanitary fittings-Water closet – Indian and European type, flushing cistern, wash basin, sinks, Urinals.Traps- types, qualities of good trap, Systems of plumbing – one pipe, two pipe, single stack, choice of system Principles
regarding design of building drainage, layout plan for building sanitary fittings (drainage plan),inspection and junction chambers, their necessity, location, size and shape, Maintenance of sanitary units.
2. Systems of Sewerage and Sewer Appurtenances: Types of Sewers, Systems of sewerage, Design
of sewers, self cleansing velocity and non scouring velocity, Laying, Testing and maintenance of sewers,
Manholes and Drop Manhole-component parts, location, spacing, construction details, Sewer Inlets, Street Inlets.
18 Marks
Unit 5 [Characterist ics and treatment of Sewage]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Analysis of sewage: Characteristics of I sewage, B.O.D., C.0.D. and its significance. Aerobic and anaerobic process, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Norms for the discharge of treated sewage,
Objects of sewage treatment and its flow diagram.
2. Treatment of Sewage: Screening, Grit removal, Skimming, Sedimentation of sewage, Sludge digestion, Trickling filters, Activated
sludge process Disposal of sewage Oxidation pond, Oxidation ditch. Septic tank (details and design criteria), Recycling and Reuse of domestic waste.
12 Marks

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