22532 Embedded System Lab Manual Answers |
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List of Practicals with Answers
1) Identify the pins of 8051 and AVR microcontrollers.
2) Identify the pins and features of PIC microcontrollers.
3) Identify the features of the ARM microcontroller on the basis of IC number.
4) Use an Integrated development environment tool for developing embedded C programs(Using MicroProC/Keil).
5) Execute the 'C' program to perform the following arithmetic operations on 8-bit data: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
6) Develop and Test the 'C' program to perform the following arithmetic operations on 16-bit data: addition, and subtraction.
7) Develop and Test the 'C" program to perform data transfer from source to destination (Use internal data memory locations).
8) Interface RS232 connector to PC using MAX232 IC.
9) Develop and test the 'C' program to turn on LED(S) with key (S) press.
10) Interface 89C51/AVR microcontroller and write the 'C' program to display numbers from 0 to 9 on a 7-segment display with a specified delay.
11) Interface 89C51 /AVR microcontroller and write a C program to rotate stepper with different speeds in clockwise and counterclockwise directions.
12) Interface 89C51 and write C program to observe the real time status of control signals for the given waveform generated using DAC (Use IDE tool MicroProC/Keil).
13) Interface 89C51/AVR microcontroller and write C program to display string on given 16x2 LCD.
14) Interface 89C51/AVR microcontroller and write 'C' language program to read key code from 4 x4 matrix keyboard and LCD display.
15) Interface 89C5I/AVR microcontroller and write C program to convert analog signal into digital form using given 8 bit ADC and store the converted digital data in memory.
16) Interface 89C51 and write C program to generate square and sawtooth waveforms using given 8-bit DAC.
17) Interface 89C51 /AVR microcontroller and write C program to rotate stepper motor with different speeds in clockwise and counterclockwise directions.