22501 Water Resource Engineering MSBTE Exam Important Questions

 22501 Water Resource Engineering MSBTE Exam Important Questions 

22501 IMP

Water Resource Engineering is a field of study that focuses on the management and development of water resources, including the design and construction of facilities for the supply, treatment, and distribution of water, as well as the planning and management of water resources for agriculture, industry, and the environment.

Some topics that may be covered in an MSBTE Water Resource Engineering exam include:

  • Hydrology: the study of the occurrence, distribution, and movement of water on and beneath the surface of the Earth
  • Hydraulics: the study of the behavior of fluids in motion, including the principles of fluid flow and the design of channels, pipes, and other structures to convey water
  • Water treatment: the processes used to remove impurities from water and make it safe to drink
  • Water supply systems: the design and operation of systems for the collection, treatment, and distribution of water
  • Irrigation and drainage: the design and management of systems for the irrigation of crops and the drainage of excess water
  • Water quality: the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water, and the measures used to assess and improve water quality
  • Environmental impacts of water resource development: the effects of water resource projects on the environment, and the measures used to mitigate those impacts

To prepare for an MSBTE Water Resource Engineering exam, it is important to review and understand the material covered in your classes and to practice applying your knowledge through practice problems. It may also be helpful to review past exam questions, if they are available, and to work with your classmates or seek assistance from your instructors if you have any questions or need clarification on any topics.

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Define:

               (i) Irrigation 

               (ii) Runoff

b) Enlist the classification of Irrigation on the basis of purposes. 

c) Define:

               (i) C.C.A.

               (ii) G.C.A.

d) Define spillway and enlist types of spillway. 

e) Enlist the types of gates provided to reservoir.

f) Enlist factors affecting on silting of reservoir.

g) State ill effects of excess Irrigation. 

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Describe in brief working of symons rain gauge with neat labelled sketch.

b) Compute the average rainfall over the catchment by thiessens polygon method and arithmetic mean method.


c) Explain the factors affecting duty. 

d) Explain in brief engineering surveys carried out for reservoir planning.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) State the reasons for which elementary profile of dam is not possible to construct in practice.

b) Draw labelled sketch of earthen dam.

c) Differentiate between earthen dam and gravity dam with respect to seepage, foundation, construction and maintenance. 

d) Explain the requirement of site for percolation tank. 

4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) State the necessity and advantages of drip irrigation scheme. 

b) Discuss the different activities undertaken under Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan.

c) Enlist the types of weir and explain any one in brief. 

d) Differentiate between weir and barrage. 

e) Draw a layout of diversion head work.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) (i) Calculate the MFD from catchment area 950 km2, use Dickens formula [Assume C = 24]

    (ii) Explain any three factors affecting runoff. 

b) Derive relation between duty and delta. 

c) Fix the full reservoir level [F. R. L.] and Top bed level [T. B. L.] from the following data. 

               (i) Dead Storage level = 112 m

               (ii) Crop water requirement = 8500 m3

               (iii) Tank losses = 1500 m3

               (iv) Free board = 1.5 m

               (v) Flood lift = 1.6 m


6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Draw layout of lift irrigation scheme and explain in brief components parts of the same.

b) Design economic trapezoidal section of canal to carry 30m3/sec of water with bed slope 1m per km and side slope 3H:2V take N = 0.012. (Qs Like This Types) 

c) Draw neat labelled sketch of following:

               (i) Aqueduct

               (ii) Super passage

               (iii) Level crossing

d) Find the diameter of an open well to give a safe yield of 4.8 lit/sec, assuming the working head as 3.5 m, sub soil consisting of fine sand for which C=0.50.

e) Find the balancing depth for the canal having a bed width of 8m,full supply depth of 3m,top width of banks 6m and 3m,side slope 1:1.5(Cutting) 1:2(Banking) and freeboard 1m.

f) Design a most economical canal section for the following data:-

               1) Discharge = 20m3/sec,

               2) Manning’s coefficient of rugosity = 0.01,

               3) Canal is in full cutting with side slopes = 1.5:1,

               4) Longitudinal bed slope is 1 in 2000.

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