Loads and load combinations: Understanding the types of loads that a structure will be subjected to, such as dead loads, live loads, wind loads, and earthquake loads, and how these loads are combined to determine the design load.
Structural analysis: Using techniques such as the methods of structural analysis (e.g. the moment distribution method, the slope-deflection method, etc.) to determine the internal forces and deformations in a structure.
Steel design: Understanding the properties of steel as a structural material, including its strength, stiffness, and ductility, and how these properties are used to design steel beams, columns, and other structural elements.
Concrete design: Understanding the properties of concrete as a structural material, including its strength, stiffness, and durability, and how these properties are used to design reinforced concrete beams, columns, and slabs.
Design of connections: Understanding the different types of connections used in steel and reinforced concrete structures, including bolted connections, welded connections, and shear connectors, and how these connections transfer forces between structural elements.
Structural systems: Understanding the different types of structural systems used in building design, including frame structures, shear wall structures, and cable structures, and how these systems are used to resist lateral loads.
Earthquake engineering: Understanding the principles of earthquake engineering and how structures are designed to resist seismic loads.
Structural detailing: Understanding the importance of proper detailing in the design of steel and reinforced concrete structures, including the use of proper reinforcement and the specification of minimum clearances and tolerances.
DISADVANTAGES OF Steel Structure |
2.Write Full Forms For (Steel Sections) |
3.State And Draw Types Of Channel Section |
4.Graph For Stress-Strain Curve And Explain Notations |
5.Enlist Types Of Loades And Explain them |
6.Short Note On Limit State Of Method |
7.Types Of Bolt With Sketch |
8.Types Of Bolted Joint With Sketch |
9.Modes Of Failure Bolted Joint |
10.Define Bolt Value Pitch,Gauge,Edge Distance |
11.Types Of Welded Connection With Sketch |
12.State Advantage, Disadvantage of welded connection over bolted connection |
13.Define Limit State And Types Of it |
14.Stress Strain Diagram For Singly Reinforcement balance section. |
15. Difference/Short Note on Under Reinforced Balance Reinforced and Over Reinforced section. |
16.Note On Nominal Shear Stress |