EPG Electric Power Generation Important MSBTE Exam Questions

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EPG 22327 Electric Power Generation Important MSBTE Exam Questions
 22327 IMP

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10
a) Classify the hydro-electric plants according to the head and load basis.
b) List the types of turbine used in hydro power plant.
c) Describe the term ‘Nuclear shielding’ in Nuclear Power Plant.
d) Enlist the nuclear fuels.
e) Why concentrating collectors are used in solar power plant.
f) Explain the concept of following terms.
(i) Connected load
(ii) Maximum demand
g) What is a meaning of load duration curve.

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Draw a block diagram of thermal power plant.
b) With a neat diagram explain solar power tower.
c) Give the four advantages of vertical axis wind mills.
d) Compare base load plant with peak load plant. (any four)
e) Describe Nuclear Hazards and various ways of disposal of nuclear waste.
f) Describe main features of various types of generators and their suitability w.r.t wind power generation.
g) State the salient features of constant speed electric generator and variable speed electric generator.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) With a neat diagram explain pelton wheel turbine.
b) Draw and explain fixed dome type biogas plant.
c) Explain Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) and also draw a diagram.
d) Explain the choice of size and number of generator units in a power plant.
e) Compare fire tube and water tube boilers used in thermal power plants.
f) Describe safe practices for hydro power plants.
g) State the various problems caused during operation of large wind power generators.
h) State the types of radioactive wastes generated in a nuclear power station. Explain the methods employed for their disposal.
i) State the functions of the following parts of hydroelectric power station:
(i) Reservoir
(ii) Tailrace
(iii) Spillway
(iv) Surgetank
(v) Forebay
(vi) Turbine
j) Draw a block diagram of gas turbine power plant and lable each block.
k) Describe with sketch the layout and working of Geared wind power plant.

4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Draw the schematic arrangement for a gas power plant.
b) With a neat diagram explain medium head hydro-electric power plants.
c) With a neat diagram explain solar photovoltaic power plant.
d) Draw a layout & Explain of a thermo-chemical based power plant.
e) Define the following term -
(i) Average demand
(ii) Load factor
(iii) Plant capacity factor
(iv) Plant use factor
f) Draw schematic arrangement of diesel engine power station and important systems and essential components of diesel plant
g) Compare Horizontal axis and vertical axis wind machine on the basis of
(i) Power captured for the same tower height.
(ii) Noise problem.
(iii) Complexity of design and yaw mechanism
(iv) Effect of fatigue arising from numerous resonance in structure.
h) Explain the purpose of shielding and reflector in a nuclear reactor.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) With a neat diagram explain pumped storage hydro power plant.
b) Draw a diagram of power tower of concentrated solar power plant.
c) Give the causes and impact and reasons of grid system fault.
d) Explain with layout the working of typical thermal power plant with steam turbines and electric generators.
e) Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of pelton turbine used in hydro power plant.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) Explain the function of different parts of a typical nuclear power plant with neat sketch.
b) What are the criteria for selection of site for hydro electric power plant.
c) With a neat diagram explain doubly fed induction generator (DFIG).
d) Draw the layout of typical micro hydro scheme and describe potential locations of micro-hydro power plants in Maharashtra.
e) Explain with layout, the working of parabolic trough collector concentrated solar power plants.
f) A load on a power plant on a typical day is as under:-
Plot the chronological load curve and load duration curve. Find the load factor of the plant and energy supplied by the plant in 24 hours.
g) Describe the features of solid, liquid and gas biomasses as fuel for biomass power plant.

Q.7 Attempt any FIVE of the following 10 Marks
a) Name any two thermal power stations in Maharashtra with their installed capacity. b) List the turbines used in hydro power plant on the basis of water head
c) State any two disadvantages of hydro power plant.
d) Define "firm power".
e) Elaborate the purpose of reflector in a nuclear power plant.
f) Describe the term 'Nuclear shielding' in NPP
g)Classify different types of gas power plant

Q.8 Attempt any Three of the following.

a) List any four applications of diesel power plant 12 Marks
b) Describe any four safe practices to the followed with respect to hydro power plants
c) Classify different types of condensers used in thermal power plant and write their functions
d) List any four causes of faults on grid system

Q.9) Attempt any Three of the following

a) Draw a block diagram of gas turbine

power plant. Name each block
b) State any four factors for selection of site for hydro power plant. c) Describe the purpose of coal and ash handling unit. Also write different activities that are carried out in this unit
d) Enumerate four properties of a fuel used in nuclear power plant

Q.10)Attempt any Three of the following 12 Marks
a) Describe the purpose of following components of a thermal power station: i) Economiser ii) Air-preheater iii) Alternator iv) super-heater
b) Justify the location of a nuclear power station c) Describe the fuel system and exhaust system of a diesel power station
d) Compare base load plant with peak load plant on any four points.
e) Describe the meaning of 1)Demand factor ii) Diversity factor iii) Plant capacity factor iv) Plant use factor.

Q.11)Attempt any Two of the following 12 Marks
a) Elaborate the function of different parts of a typical nulear powerplant with neat sketch b) State the classification of hydro-turbine based on water head available. describe working of any one
c) 'Running and maintenance costs of thermal power station are more than hydropower stations" Justify the statement

Q.12 Attempt any FOUR.
a)Let out any two thermal power stations in India with capacity
b) State the function of cooling tower in thermal power plant.
c) Elaborate the meaning of caloric value. Write calorific value of Bituminous coal
d) Elaborate the function of penstock in Hydroelectric Plant.
e) Classify hydro power plant on the basis of load and head avalable. f) Define the tems: Hydrology ii) Surface Runot

Q.13 Attempt any THREE
a) Overall efficiency of thermal power station is low.Give reasons
b) Draw a neat layout of thermal power station and labelit
c) State any two advantages and any two disadvantages of Hydro electric power station d) Describe the energy conversion process in hydro electric plant.

a) List out any two nuclear power stations in India with capacity
b) State any two advantages and disadvantages of diesel power plants:
c) Distinguish between different type of gas power plant d) Define the term chain reaction as referred to nuclear power station.
e) State the term "Black Out"
f) Define cold reserves and hot reserves of a power system,

a) Describe the process of controlling the nuclear reactor
b) Elaborate why gas/diesel power plantis preferred as peak load plant
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