Railway And Bridge Engineering Important Questions Civil Engineering


Railway And Bridge engg. Imp Questions

1.Role Of Transportation In Development Of Country

2.Classification Of Railways According To Gauge Type

3.Define Permanente Way and Sketch it

4.Define Rail Gauge Draw Diagram

5.State Types Of Rail jojnts And Explain With Diagram

6. Types Of Sleeper Advantages,Disadvantages 

7.Problem On Sleeper Density

8.Define Gradient,state its types

9.Track Junction Cross Overs

10.Track Maintenance, Types,Necessity 

11.Duties Of Various Officers

12.Define Bridge Engg,Classification, Factor Affecting Selection of Site

13.Important Technical Terms

14.Cause Way and its types

15.Culvert and its types

16.Advantages and Disadvantages of tunnel

17.Classification of tunnel,Shape Size of tunnel


19.Methods of tuneeling in soft rock

20.Ventilation Of tunnel purpose

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