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22301 [ASU] Advanced Surveying Syllabus for Civil Engineering 3rd Sem I – Scheme MSBTE Chapters/Units Name , Weightages
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Sr.No. | Chapters/Unit Name | Weightage |
Unit 1 | [Plane Table Surveying] Topics and Sub-topics:- 1. Principle of plane table survey. 2. Accessories of plane table and their use, Telescopic alidade. 3. Setting of plane table; Orientation of plane table – Back sighting and Magnetic meridian method, True Meridian Method 4. Methods of plane table surveys-Radiation, Intersection and Traversing. 5. Merits and demerits of plane table survey. |
08 Marks |
Unit 2 | [Theodolite] Topics and Sub-topics:- 1. Types and uses of Theodolite; Component parts of transit Theodolite and their functions, Reading the Vernier of transit Theodolite, 2. Technical terms- Swinging, Transiting, Face left, Face right, 3. Fundamental axes of transit Theodolite and their relationship 4. Temporary adjustment of transit Theodolite, 5. Measurement of horizontal angle-Direct and Repetition method, Errors eliminated by method of repetition, 6. Measurement of magnetic bearing of a line, Prolonging and ranging a line, deflection angle. 7. Measurement of vertical Angle. 8. Theodolite traversing by included angle method and deflection angle method. 9. Checks for open and closed traverse, Calculations of bearing from angles. 10. Traverse Computation-Latitude. Departure, Consecutive co ordinates, Independent coordinates, Balancing the traverse by Bowditchs rule and Transit rule. Gales Traverse table computation. |
24 Marks |
Unit 3 | [Tacheometric surveying] Topics and Sub-topics:- 1. Principle of plane table survey. 2. Accessories of plane table and their use, Telescopic alidade. 3. Setting of plane table; Orientation of plane table – Back sighting and Magnetic meridian method, True Meridian Method 4. Methods of plane table surveys-Radiation, Intersection and Traversing. 5. Merits and demerits of plane table survey. |
08 Marks |
Unit 4 | [Curve setting] Topics and Sub-topics:- 1. Types of curves used in roads and railway alignments. 2. Notations of simple circular curve Designation of the curve. 3. Setting simple circular curve by offsets from long chord and Rankines method of deflection angles. |
08 Marks |
Unit 5 | [Advanced Surveying Equipments] Topics and Sub-topics:- 1. Principle of Electronic Distance Meter (EDM), its component parts and their Functions, use of EDM. 2. Construction and use of One Second Micro Optic Theodolite, Electronic Digital Theodolite. Features of Electronic Theodolite. 3. Construction and Use of Total Station, Temporary adjustments. 4. Use of function keys. 5. Measurements of Horizontal angles, vertical angles, distances and coordinates using Total Station. Traversing, Profile Survey and Contouring with Total Station. |
14 Mark |
Unit 6 | [Remote sensing, GPS and GIS] Topics and Sub-topics:- 1. Remote Sensing – Over view, Electro-Magnetic Energy, Remote sensing system-, Active and Passive system, Applications of remote sensing in Mining, land use / Land cover, mapping, disaster management and Environment. 2. Construction and use of Global Positioning System (G.P.S.) 3. Geographic Information System(GIS): Over view, Components, Applications, Soft wares for GIS, Sources of errors in GIS. |
08 Mark |
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