22302 Highway Engineering Syllabus All Unit Names 3rd Sem Civil Engineering

22302 [HEN] Highway Engineering Syllabus for Civil Engineering 3rd Sem I – Scheme MSBTE Chapters/Units Name , Weightages

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{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}
Sr.No. Chapters/Unit Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Overview to Highway Engineering]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

1. Scope and Importance of roads in India and its Characteristics.

2. Different modes of transportation

3. General classification of roads.

4. Road classifications in India (Nagpur) third road development (Lucknow) plan.

5. Development of Urban roads.

6. Requirements of an ideal road alignment and the factors affecting road alignment.

04 Marks
Unit 2 [Geometric Design of highway]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

1. Various terms used in Highway: Camber:
Definition, purpose, types as per IRC - recommendations.

2. Kerbs: Road margin, road formation, right of way.

3. Design speed and various factors
affecting design speed as per IRC

4. Gradient: Definition,
types as per IRC - Recommendations.

5. Sight distance (SSD): Definition, types
IRC - recommendations, simple

6. Curves: Necessity, types: Horizontal,
vertical curves.

7. Widening of roads: types and problems

8. Super elevation: Definition, formula for
calculating minimum and maximum
Super elevation and method of providing

9. Standards cross-sections of national
highway in embankment and cutting.

24 Marks
Unit 3 [Construction of Road Pavements]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

1. Types of road materials and their Tests – Test on aggregates-Flakiness and Elongation Index test,
Angularity Number test, test on Bitumenpenetration, Ductility, Flash and Fire point
test and Softening point test.

2. Pavement – Definition, Types, Structural Components
of pavement and their functions

3. Construction of WBM road. Merits and demerits of WBM road.

4. Construction of Flexible pavement / Bituminous Road,
Types of Bitumen and its properties, Emulsion.
Cutback, Terms used in BR-prime coat, tack . seal coat. Merits and Demerits of BR

5. Construction of cement concretemethods of
Construction-Alternate and Continuous Bay Method,
Construction joints, filler and sealers, merits
and demerits of concrete roads.

16 Marks
Unit 4 [Traffic Engineering]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Traffic Volume Study(TVS)-Definition of Traffic
Volume and Traffic Density, Objectives of TVS

2. Passenger Car Unit (PCU) and factors affecting it.

3. Traffic control devices – road signs, marking,
Signals, Traffic island, Signals-Types,

4. Road signs-Types-Regulatory, Prohibitory and
Inforinatory, Sketches of road signs. Types of road markings.

5. Traffic island-Types-Divisional, Channelizing, Pedestrian, Rotary.

6. Road intersections- Grade and grade separated intersections.

7. Accident studies with causes, Collision Diagram.

14 Marks
Unit 5 [Hill Roads]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1 Hill roads, its components, functions

2. Types of hill road curves.

3. Drainage of hill roads: Side drains, catch
water drains, cross drains,

4. Construction procedure of hill roads.
5. Landslides- Types and Causes

6. Prevention of landslides.

10 Mark
Unit 6 [Drainage, Maintenance and Road Repair]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Drainage-Definition, necessity and methods .

2. Surface drainage: side gutter, catch

3. Water drain. Subsurface drainage-Longitudinal and Cross drains.

4. Classification and necessity highway of maintenance.
Causes of failure of flexible pavement-WBM road Bituminous road.

5. Causes of failure of rigid pavement-Cement concrete road
6. Need for highway maintenance. Classification of maintenance.

7. Special repair of flexible and Rigid pavements.

10 Mark

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