Mechanical Engineering 5th Semester Subject Name & Syllabus PDF Download

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Mechanical Engineering 5th Semester Subject Name & MSBTE Syllabus Download
[Diploma 5th Sem Mechanical Engineering subjects for 5th semester of MSBTE Mechanical engineering]

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MSBTE 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering All Subject Name & MSBTE Syllabus Download

In Today's Article, you will get MSBTE 3rd Year 5th Semester All Subjects Name with All MSBTE Subject Syllabus PDF. As You have been admitted to MSBTE Diploma Course you must know MSBTE Curriculum MSBTE 5th Semester Names to get well settled with subject conditions.

22509 [MAN] Management Chapters/Unit Name, Weightage Marks

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Sr.No. Chapters/Unit Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Introduction to management concepts and managerial skills]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Definitions of management, role and importance of management.
2. Management characteristics and principles, levels of management and their functions; management, administration and organization, relation between management and administration.
3. Functions of management: planning, organizing, leading/directing, staffing and controlling.
4. Types of planning and steps in planning
5. Types of organization, Steps in organizing
6. Functional areas of management.
7. Managerial skills.
16 Marks
Unit 2 [Planning and Organizing at supervisory Level]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

-Planning at supervisory level
1. Planning by supervisor.
2. Planning activities, detailing and
following of each step.
3. Prescribing standard forms for various
4. Budgeting for materials and manpower.

-Organizing at supervisory level
1. Organizing the physical resources.
2. Matching human need with job needs.
3. Allotment of tasks to individuals and establishing relationship among persons working in a group.
14 Marks
Unit 3 [Directing and Controlling at supervisory level]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

-Directing at supervisory level
1. Needs for directions and instructions to subordinates; Completeness and feasibilities of instructions
2. Personal counselling advanced predictions of possible mistakes.
3. Elaborating decisions, laying disciplinary standards in overall working.

-Controlling at Supervisory level
1. Managerial control; Understanding team and link between various departments in respect of process and quality standards; Steps in control process
2. Controlling methods; Control over the performance in respect of quality, quantity of production, time and cost. Measuring performance, comparing with standards, correcting unfavorable deviations.
14 Marks
Unit 4 [Safety Management]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Need for safety management measures
2. General safety norms for an industrial unit; Preventive measures.
3. Definition of accident, types of industrial accident; Causes of accidents;
4. Fire hazards; Fire drill.
5. Safety procedure
6. Work permits.
14 Marks
Unit 5 [Legislative Acts]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Necessity of acts, Important definition and Main provisions of acts.
2. Industrial Acts:
2. Industrial Dispute Act
1. Indian Factory Act
3. Workman Compensation Act
4. Minimum Wages Act
12 Mark

22562 [PER] Power Engineering and RefrigerationChapters/Units Name, Marks

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Sr.No. Chapters/Units Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Internal Combustion Engines]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Power cycles: Engine terminology, working of 4 stroke
engines, Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, diesel cycle,
dual cycle, actual indicator diagrams for 4 stroke engines.

2. Basic of IC Engine: working and comparison of four stroke
and two stroke cycle engines and SI and CI engines.

3. IC Engines auxiliaries: Valve timing diagrams, VVT-I engines
– concept and arrangement, supercharging -objectives
and advantages, Turbocharging, Variable Geometry
Turbochargers, MPFI layout, various Sensors, rotary and
inline fuel injection pump, piezoelectric injectors, EGR layout, viscous coupling for fan.

4. Common rail direct injection diesel engines (CRDI)
controlled by electronic control unit.

5. Diagnostic tools used for fault finding of two wheelers.

6. List of Methods to reduce pollution in diesel engines as prescribed in BS6

16 Marks
Unit 2 [Testing of IC Engines and Emission Control]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. IC engine testing parameters: IP, BSFC,
components of heat balance sheet,
thermal and mechanical efficiency, Morse test.

2. Combustion in IC engines, Octane
Number (RON, MON) & Knock Resistance.

3. Exhaust emissions and control: Polluting
emissions in IC engines, effects on
environment, measurement of exhaust
emissions, effect of airfuel ratio on
exhaust emissions (with graph), Euro IV
and Euro VI norms for M and N1
vehicles, catalytic converter, SCR.

4. Engine Control Unit (ECU): working and diagnosis procedure.

16 Marks
Unit 3 [Air Compressors]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Reciprocating compressors -applications, working of single
stage and two stage compressors with PV diagrams. Intcrcooling.

2. Testing of reciprocating air compressors: Pressure ratio,
compressor capacity, FAD, volumetric efficiency, isothermal efficiency, numerical. Methods of energy saving.

3. Rotary compressors: Screw, centrifugal, Lobe type, vane type
compressors and Axial flow compressors. Comparison
of rotatary with reciprocating.

14 Marks
Unit 4 [Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Types of Gas Turbines: Constant pressure, open cycle and
closed cycle gas turbines, Brayton cycle, applications,
Aero derivative and heavy frame engines

2. Jet propulsion: Turbojet, Turboprop, engines.

3. Rocket propulsion: liquid and solid propellant systems.

08 Marks
Unit 5 [Refrigeration and Air onditioning]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Refrigeration: Unit of refrigeration, EER,
SEER, Carnot cycle, Vapor compression
cycle, sub cooling and superheating,
components of vapor compression
systems, refrigerant properties, concepts

2. Applications: Specification, Working and
construction of Domestic refrigerator,
water cooler, ice plant and cold storage.

3. Air-conditioning: Definition,
classification-comfort air conditioning,
industrial air conditioning, applications

4. Psychrometry: properties of air,
psychronmetric processes, psychrometric chart.

5. Applications: Specification, Working and
construction of Window, split
airconditioner, central air-conditioning,

16 Marks

22563 [AMP] Advanced Manufacturing Processes Chapters/Units Name , Weightage

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Sr.No. Chapters/Units Name Marks
Unit 1 [Non-Conventional Machining Processes]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Fundamentals of Non – conventional methods – Needs and types
of non -conventional methods. Importance of methods.

2. Working principle, set up, process parameters of – EDM,

3. Advantages, limitations and applications of – EDM,, WEDM ECM

12 Marks
Unit 2 [Milling Machines and Milling Pocessses]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Milling: - Working Principle of milling
machine, types of milling machines

2. Milling cutters - Different types of cutters
used in milling, face milling cutter, end
milling cutter, Staggered tooth milling
cutter, side and face milling cutter, form
milling cutters, metal slitting saw etc.

3. Milling Processes - Plain milling, face
milling, side milling, end milling, Straddle
milling, gang milling, slotting, slitting, Up
milling and down milling

4. Cutting Parameters - Cutting speed, feed.

5. Dividing head - types, function of dividing
head, method of indexing, index plates.

12 Marks
Unit 3 [Gear Manufacturing]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Gear manufacturing methods: Function and types of gears,
gear manufacturing methods.

2. Gear hobbing – Working principle, types of gear hobbing,
advantages, limitations and applications of gear hobbing

3. Gear shaping – Gear shaping by pinion cutter, gear shaping
by rack cutter, advantages, limitations and
applications of both the methods and Comparison of gear
hobbing and gear shaping

4. Gear finishing methods-Need of gear finishing, gear finishing methods,
A. Gear shaving
B. Gear grinding
C. Gear burnishing
D. Gear lapping
E. Gear honing

16 Marks
Unit 4 [Fundamentals of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

1. CAM concept, NC (Numerical Control), CNC (Computerized
Numerical Control) and DNC (Direct Numerical Control)
-concept, features and differences.

2. CNC machines: Types, classification, working and
constructional features Advantages, limitations and selection criteria.

3. Elements of CNC machines – Types, sketch, working and
importance of: Slide ways; Re-circulating ball screw;
Feedback devices (transducers, encoders); Automatic tool
changer (ATC); Automatic pallet changer (APC);

4. CNC tooling : Tool presetting-concept and importance;
Qualified tools- definition need and advantages; Tool
holders- types and applications.
5. CNC turning centres: Types; Features; Axes nomenclature;
Specification; Work holding devices -types, working and applications.

6. CNC machining centres: Types; Features; Axes nomenclature;
Specification; Work holding devices-types, working and applications.

12 Marks
Unit 5 [CNC Part Programming]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

1. Definition and importance of various
positions like machine zero, home
position, work piece zero and programme zero.

2. CNC part programming: programming
format and structure of part programme.
3. |SO G and M codes for turning and
milling-meaning and applications of important codes.

4. Simple part programming for turning
using ISO format having straight turning,
taper turning (linear interpolation) and
convex/concave turning (circular interpolation)

5. Simple part programming for milling using ISO format.

6. Importance, types, applications and
format for: Canned cycles; Macro; Do loops; Subroutine;
7. CNC turning and milling part
programming using canned cycles, Do
loops and Subroutine.

8. Need and importance of various
compensations: Tool length compensation; Pitch error
compensation; Tool radius compensation; Tool offset.

9. Simple part programming using various Compensations.

10. Virtual CNC machine simulators.
Generation of generating shop
documentation using a CAM software,
cycle time sheets, tools list with tool
layout, spindle utilization graphs,
program for different control systems
and different configuration of machines

16 Marks
Unit 6 [Automation and Robotics]

Topics and Sub-topics:-

1. Automation-Define, need of automation, high and low cost
automation, examples of automations.

2. Types of Automation – Fixed (Hard) automation, programmable
automations and Flexible automations (Soft)
Comparison of types of automations.

3. Group Technology- concept, basis for developing part
families, part classification and coding with example,
concept of cellular manufacturing. Advantages and limitations.

4. Flexible Machining System- Introduction, concept, definition
and need, sub systems of FMS, comparing with other manufacturing approaches.

5. Introduction to Robotics- definition of robot and robotics,
advantages disadvantages and applications.

6. Components of Robotics manipulator, end effectors, actuators
, sensors, controller, processor and software.

08 Marks

22564 [EMD] Elements of Machine Design Chapters/Units Name, Weightage

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Sr.No. Chapters/Units Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Fundamentals of Design]
Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Machine design philosophy and phases in design,
design considerations.

2. Types of loads, concept of stresses, bearing pressure,
bending and torsion stresses, principal stresses, strain,
stress-strain diagram. (Simple Numerical)

3. Factor of Safety, conditions for selection of F.S

4. Stress concentration meaning, causes and remedies.

5. Designation of materials as per IS and introduction to
International standards, advantages of standardization, use
of design data book, use of standards in design and preferred numbers series.

6. Concept of creep, Fatigue, S-N curve, Endurance limit.
7. Maximum principal stress theory and
Maximum shear stress theory.

8. Modern Design considerations Ergonomics and aesthetic
considerations in design. Ecology, social consideration and
Concept of Product Design.

14 Marks
Unit 2 [Design of Joints, Levers and offset Links]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Design of Cotter Joint, Knuckle Joint

2. Turnbuckle.

3. Design of Levers:- Hand/Foot Lever and

4. Bell Crank Lever,

5. Lever for lever safety valve,

6. Design of off-set links, C-clamp,

Overhang Crank

12 Marks
Unit 3 [Design of Shaft, Keys and Couplings]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Types of shafts, Shaft materials, Standard sizes. Design of
solid and hollow shafts based on strength and
rigidity criteria.

2. Design of hollow and solid shaft for combined bending and
twisting moments and considering the effect of shock and
fatigue. ASME code of design for line shafts supported between bearings with one or two pulleys in
between or one overhung pulley.

3. Types of keys, effect of keyway on the strength of shaft,
design of rectangular and square sunk key.

4. Types of couplings. Design of muff coupling, flanged
couplings (protected and unprotected) and Bushed pin type
flexible coupling.

14 Marks
Unit 4 [Design of Power screws and Fasteners]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Basic concepts of power screw Thread Profiles used for power
Screws, relative merits and demerits of each, Self locking and overhauling properties, Torque required to
overcome thread friction, efficiency of power screws,
types of stresses induced.

2. Design of Screw Jack, Toggle Jack (only screw and nut)

3. Stresses in Screwed fasteners, bolts of Uniform Strength,
Design of Bolted Joints subjected to eccentric loading.
4. Design of parallel and transverse fillet welds, axially
loaded symmetrical Section.

12 Marks
Unit 5 [Design of Springs]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Classification and Applications of
Springs, Spring - ternminology, materials
specifications. Stresses in helical
tension and compression springs, Wahl's
correction factor, Deflection of springs.
Energy stored in springs.

2. Design of Helical tension and
compression springs subjected to
concentric applied loads like I.C. engine
valves, weighing balance, railway buffers.

3. Leaf springs - construction and

10 Marks
Unit 6 [Selection of Antifriction Bearings and Gears]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Classification of Bearings – Sliding
contact and rolling contact.

2. Terminology of Ball bearings – life load relationship,
basic static load rating and basic dynamic load rating.

3. Selection of ball bearings using manufacturers catalogue

4. Design of spur gear using lewis and Buckinghams equation
(Simple Numerical), selection of gears from standard sizes.

08 Marks

22053 [SMA] Solid Modeling and Additive Manufacturing Chapters/Units Name, Weightage

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Sr.No. Chapters/Units Name Weightage
Unit 1 [Working in 2D environment]
Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Drawing tool: Line, Rectangle, Circle, Arc, Ellipse, Spline, etc. 2. Editing tool: Trim, Extend, Erase, Mirror, etc. 3. Modify tool: Chamfer, Fillet, Copy, Move, etc. 4. Linear, angular dimensions. 5. Dimensioning constraint and Geometrical constraint. 6. Drawing template: prepare drawing template consisting of Name plate boundary lines and projection symbol.
NA Marks
Unit 2 [Development of Solid Models]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Working in 3D environment: Creating 3D
Solid Models of simple machine parts.

2. Part tool: Extrude, Hole, Revolve, Rib,
Sweep, Swept blend, Pattern, etc.

3. Part Editing tool: Trim, Extend, Erase, Mirror,

4. Part Modify tool: Chamfer, Round, Copy, Move, Draft, etc.

5. Intersect 2 solid components by
inserting new body option. Boolean
operations: Union, subtract, intersection.

NA Marks
Unit 3 [Computer aided Assembly]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Assembly Drawing: Preparation of assembly
drawing by using assembly command.

2. Exploded view: Explode the assembly.

NA Marks
Unit 4 [Drafting of 3D assembly]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Orthographic projections: Generate orthographic
projections of the assembly.

2. Bill of material: Prepare part list table.

NA Marks
Unit 5 [Plotting]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Printer Selection, apper Size, orientation,

2. page Set Up.

NA Marks
Unit 6 [Additive Manufacturing]

Topics and Sub-topics:-
1. Additive manufacturing: 3D printing, Rapid prototyping.

2. File format: STL (Stereo Lithography)

3. 3D printer software: part import, orientation, processing and printing.

NA Marks

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