22301 Advance Surveying Civil Engineering Important MSBTE Exam Questions


22301 Advance Surveying Civil Engineering Important MSBTE Exam Questions
22301 Advance Surveying Civil Engineering Important MSBTE Exam Questions 

22301 IMP

All MSBTE Questions for 2 Mark Each
State the situations where plane table survey is suitable.
Define telescope inverted & telescope normal.
State any four uses of transit theodolite.
State two advantages of plane table surveying.
Define Swinging and Transiting.
Define Latitude and Departure.
State the function of Anallatic lens.
Define ‘degree of a curve’.
List two uses of EDM.
Name two software for GPS.
State any two objects of tacheometry.
Enlist the types of curves used in roads & railway alignment.
State any two features of digital theodolite.
State the object of remote sensing.

All MSBTE Questions for 4 Mark Each
State accessories required for plane table survey along with their use.
Explain the function of lower tangent screw, upper tangent screw, lower
clamping screw & upper clamping screw while measuring horizontal angle using theodolite.

Define orientation and explain back sight method of orientation with sketch.

State the functions of optical plummet and shifting head in theodolite.

Explain the principle of Tacheometry with the help of a neat sketch.

Draw a simple circular curve and show the following on it.
(i) Forward tangent
(ii) Long chord
(iii) Deflection angle
(iv) Apex distance
Explain method of repetition of horizontal angle measurement.
Draw a neat sketch of circular curve & show the following element :
(i) Tangent length
(ii) Deflection angle
(iii) Apex distance
(iv) Length of long chord

All MSBTE Questions for 4 Mark Each
Describe the procedure for measurement of horizontal angle by repetition method.
Explain the principle of EDM with the help of a neat sketch.
State any four essential characteristics of tachoemeter.
State the procedure of building setout using total station.
Define active and passive sources.
Explain the procedure of measurement of vertical angle using one-second micro optic theodolite.
Define the following terms & give any 2 components of each :
(i) GIS
(ii) GPS

All MSBTE Questions for 4 Mark Each
Compare radiation and intersection methods of plane table surveying on any two parameters.
Explain with sketch intersection method of plane table surveying.
State fundamental axis and lines of theodolite and give relations between them.
State the features of electronic theodolite.
State any 4 advantages & 4 disadvantages of plane table survey
Calculate the ordinates at 25 m interval to set a circular curve having long chord of 300 m & versed sine of 10 m.

All MSBTE Questions for 6 Mark Each
a) The following angles were measured in running a closed traverse
∠ A = 87° 50′  20′′, ∠ B = 114° 55′  40′′, ∠ C = 94° 38′  50′′,
∠ D = 129° 40′  40′′ and ∠ E = 112° 54′  30′′.
If the bearing of line AB is 221° 18′  40′′, calculate bearings of
the remaining lines.
b) Explain Bowditch Rule as applicable in a theodolite traverse
c) List any four features of total station.
d) State various applications of GIS.

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