22302 Highway Engineering Important MSBTE Exam Questions Civil Engineering

22302 Highway Engineering Important MSBTE Exam Questions
22302 IMP

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10
(a) State two characteristics of Road Transport. (b) Define Kerb and Right of way.
(c) Define Camber and Super-Elevation."
(d) Define Flakiness Index and Elongation Index.
(e) List various types of curves provided on Hill Roads.**
(1) State the necessity of providing catch water drain in Hill Roads.
(g) State two causes of Landslides.** (H) Frist types of Gradients
() Define: () Road carriageway
(i) Rood shoulder (1) Define: (i) Traffic density
(ii) Traffic volume
(k) State the necessity of Good drainage (2 points). (1) State classification of highway maintenance.
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 (a) Classify the Roads according to Nagpur Road Plan. **
(b) Define Design Speed, Give four factors affecting Design Speed.
(c) Define gradient. Explain types of gradient. (Any Two) (d) state and explain functions of Pavement Components.** (e) Define alignment and state the requirement of an ideal road alignment."
(1) State the necessity of providing extra widening on horizontal curves.
(g) Define
(() stopping Sight Distance (II) Overtaking Sight Distance
3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
(a) Explain the construction procedure of Bituminous Rood (b) Explain Softening Point Test on Bitumen with neat sketch."
(c) state different types of Tar used in construction of Road with its suitability. (d) Define Passenger Car unit, Give factors affecting it.⚫
(e) Explain the procedure for flakiness and elongation test on aggregate. (1) Discuss the merits and demerits of bitumen road/WBM.
(g) State the difference between alignment of hill roads and alignment of plain roads
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
(0) List couses of Accident. Draw Collision diagram for Head-on-Collision. (b) Explain preventive measures that can be taken to avoid Landslides in hilly area. * (c) Draw a typical cross-section of Hill Road and label all component parts.
(d) state the functions of surface drainage and sob-surface drainage.*
(e) Draw a neat sketch (Plan & Section) of Longitudinal drain and Cross drain (1) Draw labelled sketches of side drains along hill roods
(g) Prepare a chart showing schedule of maintenance operation from October to March for bituminous road.
(h) Justify the remedial measures for the following defects in earthen road
(1) Formation of dust during dry weather (ii) Growth of vegetation inside drains & their silting up
5. Attempt any Two of the following: 12
(a) Calculate the stopping Sight Distance for two way traffic in a single Lane Road. The design speed of the Road is 60 kmph. Assume Reaction time of the driver as 2.5 sec and Co-efficient of friction as 0.6. Brake efficiency is 50%.
(b) Draw a neat cross-section of National Highway in Embankment.
(c) state the methods of construction of Cement Concrete Road. Explain any one method. (d) Design the rate of super elevation for a Horizontal Highway curve of radius 500 metres and speed 100 kmph. Assume suitable data.
(e) calculate the design speed of a vehicle on a horizontal curve having radius of 100 m. with permissible super elevation of 7%. Consider Cost of friction 0.18.
(1) state the requirement of good quality material which plays the major role in highway construction.
6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
(a) Draw Traffic Signs for
(i) Left Turn Prohibited
(ii) No Parking
(iii) Speed Limit-60 kmph
(iv) Width Limit - 2m
(v) Narrow Bridge (vi) Compulsory Ahead or Turn Right
(b) Explain Rotary Island (Traffic island) / Divisional Island with a neat sketch.
(c) Justify the remedial measures for following defects:** (i) Formation of Potholes in Case of WBM Roads.
(ii) Formation of Ruts in Case of Earthen Roads (I) Bitumen Bleeding in Case of Bituminous Roads.
(d) Describe stepwise construction procedure for water bound macadam roads." (e) Discuss the causes of failure in flexible and rigid pavement.
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