22302 IMP
1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 |
(a) State two characteristics of Road Transport. (b) Define Kerb and Right of way. |
(c) Define Camber and Super-Elevation." |
(d) Define Flakiness Index and Elongation Index. |
(e) List various types of curves provided on Hill Roads.** |
(1) State the necessity of providing catch water drain in Hill Roads. |
(g) State two causes of Landslides.** (H) Frist types of Gradients |
() Define: () Road carriageway |
(i) Rood shoulder (1) Define: (i) Traffic density |
(ii) Traffic volume |
(k) State the necessity of Good drainage (2 points). (1) State classification of highway maintenance. |
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 (a) Classify the Roads according to Nagpur Road Plan. ** |
(b) Define Design Speed, Give four factors affecting Design Speed. |
(c) Define gradient. Explain types of gradient. (Any Two) (d) state and explain functions of Pavement Components.** (e) Define alignment and state the requirement of an ideal road alignment." |
(1) State the necessity of providing extra widening on horizontal curves. |
(g) Define |
(() stopping Sight Distance (II) Overtaking Sight Distance |
3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 |
(a) Explain the construction procedure of Bituminous Rood (b) Explain Softening Point Test on Bitumen with neat sketch." |
(c) state different types of Tar used in construction of Road with its suitability. (d) Define Passenger Car unit, Give factors affecting it.⚫ |
(e) Explain the procedure for flakiness and elongation test on aggregate. (1) Discuss the merits and demerits of bitumen road/WBM. |
(g) State the difference between alignment of hill roads and alignment of plain roads |
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 |
(0) List couses of Accident. Draw Collision diagram for Head-on-Collision. (b) Explain preventive measures that can be taken to avoid Landslides in hilly area. * (c) Draw a typical cross-section of Hill Road and label all component parts. |
(d) state the functions of surface drainage and sob-surface drainage.* |
(e) Draw a neat sketch (Plan & Section) of Longitudinal drain and Cross drain (1) Draw labelled sketches of side drains along hill roods |
(g) Prepare a chart showing schedule of maintenance operation from October to March for bituminous road. |
(h) Justify the remedial measures for the following defects in earthen road |
(1) Formation of dust during dry weather (ii) Growth of vegetation inside drains & their silting up |
5. Attempt any Two of the following: 12 |
(a) Calculate the stopping Sight Distance for two way traffic in a single Lane Road. The design speed of the Road is 60 kmph. Assume Reaction time of the driver as 2.5 sec and Co-efficient of friction as 0.6. Brake efficiency is 50%. |
(b) Draw a neat cross-section of National Highway in Embankment. |
(c) state the methods of construction of Cement Concrete Road. Explain any one method. (d) Design the rate of super elevation for a Horizontal Highway curve of radius 500 metres and speed 100 kmph. Assume suitable data. |
(e) calculate the design speed of a vehicle on a horizontal curve having radius of 100 m. with permissible super elevation of 7%. Consider Cost of friction 0.18. |
(1) state the requirement of good quality material which plays the major role in highway construction. |
6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 |
(a) Draw Traffic Signs for |
(i) Left Turn Prohibited |
(ii) No Parking |
(iii) Speed Limit-60 kmph |
(iv) Width Limit - 2m |
(v) Narrow Bridge (vi) Compulsory Ahead or Turn Right |
(b) Explain Rotary Island (Traffic island) / Divisional Island with a neat sketch. |
(c) Justify the remedial measures for following defects:** (i) Formation of Potholes in Case of WBM Roads. |
(ii) Formation of Ruts in Case of Earthen Roads (I) Bitumen Bleeding in Case of Bituminous Roads. |
(d) Describe stepwise construction procedure for water bound macadam roads." (e) Discuss the causes of failure in flexible and rigid pavement. |